‘Totalitarian Tyranny’: Parents Groups Slam Attorney General Garland for Turning FBI on Their Activism


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Photo “State of Maryland School Board Announcement” by Maryland GovPics. CC BY 2.0.






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One Thought to “‘Totalitarian Tyranny’: Parents Groups Slam Attorney General Garland for Turning FBI on Their Activism”

  1. Karen L Bracken

    That personal tie that Garland has with Panorama Education is his daughter Rebecca is married (2018) to Alexander “Xan” Newman Tanner. Tanner is the co-founder and President of Panorama Education and if research them you will see why parents should be concerned over Garland’s attack. When parents are ignored as they have been for years. When parents are silenced and treated like dirt at school board meetings, not allowed to speak, can only speak for 3 minutes etc etc it is a wonder their outrage didn’t show up long ago. Parents need to know who they vote for. Most parents have no clue who is running in local election or who they are voting for. And once these obedient school board members that answer to the state and the federal government, not parents, get elected they seem to stay forever.
